Karoo Desert NBG
Mesemb Display and Braille Trail
Mesembs at Karoo NBG

This area is lined on both sides of the path with attractive perennial flowering vygies (mesembs). Behind the beds on the left from the tar road is the continuation of the Braille Trail. This interesting section leads the visitor through a mini quiver tree forest or kokerboom woud (Aloe dichotoma).

Signage along the Braille Trail has text for normal-sighted persons in front and braille on the reverse. On one side of beds, edges have been neatly lined-out with paving stones. This is to assist blind persons navigating their way around the section with a stick. A bright orange rope along the path helps to guide partially-sighted visitors.

Look out for small paths in the undergrowth; these are the work of the karoo rat. These rodents can do substantial damage to beds of planted mesembs. They use the chopped-off twigs for building nests. This section is at its best in spring.


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