Karoo Desert NBG
Karoo Adventure Trail

This trail, 450 metres long, has been designed to display some of the more interesting areas of the Karoo. The word Karoo, which is a Khoi word, means "dry place". Here, the visitor will be able to wander through these various Karroid areas. Many of the sections in this area are still under construction.

The sections open for visitors include the Namaqualand area, complete with a Khoi Khoi herb garden and Khoi Khoi kookskerm.

Other interesting areas include the Eastern Cape, complete with valley bushveld. Some of the other Karoo areas are Jansenville Noorsveld, Little Karoo, Great Karoo (still under construction), eastern Karoo, and spekboom woud (pork wood forest).

The Garden has recently established a 2 hectare quiver tree (kokerboom) forest in this area. These plants of Aloe dichotoma from the northern Cape, were relocated from a degraded site to form a small forest.


We would also like to establish an Aloe barberae forest, containing the giant Baines tree aloe from the Grahamstown area, and a botterboom forest. We are seeking funding for these projects.


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