Chapungu Stone Sculpture Exhibibition at Kirstenbosch

Village Path- A Walk through Nature


Bird of protection
Moveti Manzi


Silently he sits, watching, waiting, ready to sound the warning of approaching danger.

Crocodile and young
Chrispen June


Baking in the sun before she quietly slips back into the water to prey on the unsuspecting animals.



New leaves
Daniel Baradza

Opal stone

The rains have come and the new leaves burst through exploding in a cacophony of green vegetation.

Plant Form
Eddie Masaya


Each tiny plant carefully crafted to please the eye. Not one the same. The diversity of nature astounds us.


"Ukodzi" Falcon
Taylor Nkomo


This bush is full of small animals. The falcon sees each one and exacts his execution precisely.

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