Walter Sisulu NBG
Water Garden and Fern Walk
Water garden at Wits NBG
A lovely stream meanders across the lawns at the restaurant down into the Dell below. The large number of water-loving plants that grow along the sides of the stream and ponds nearly always provide some colour. Spectacular plants here include the scarlet river lily (Hesperantha coccinea), various species of red-hot pokers (Kniphofia), harebells (Dierama) and the thatching reed (Chondropetalum tectorum). Enjoy some refreshments at the nearby restaurant which is situated in the shade of two magnificent white stinkwoods (Celtis africana).

The fern walk, which runs along the river as you approach the waterfall, leads through a lovely, shady, naturally forested area. Numerous species of ferns have been planted in this area, including the magnificent common tree fern (Cyathea dregei).

Clivia on ferm trailAn indigenous species of busy lizzie (Impatiens hochstetteri) is abundant in the moist damp areas around the stream that makes its way to the river below.

Bush lilies (Clivia miniata) flower in profusion in spring and make a spectacular show with their bright orange flowers.





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