Walter Sisulu NBG
Water-Wise Garden and Useful Plants Garden
Agapanthus in water-wise garden

The Water-Wise Garden

South Africa is a country that has long dry periods and water is a scarce resource in many areas. Water conservation is becoming an important issue and this recently developed Water-Wise Garden demonstrates the principles and practices of water-wise gardening. The Garden was sponsored by the National Water Conservation Campaign (of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry) and Rand Water. The principles of water-wise gardening practised in the garden are clearly highlighted with colourful interpretive signs, as well as brochures on water-wise gardening.

Water-wise gardenThe Water-Wise Garden is divided into different water-use zones so that there is no wasteful watering. The moderate water use zone is in the shade of a large white stinkwood (Celtis africana) and is irrigated using a surface drip irrigation system. Plant species were selected not only for their drought hardiness but also their aesthetic appeal. Lawn areas have been greatly reduced and replaced with attractive paving and pebbles. A variety of different mulches have been used and these help to reduce surface evaporation from the soil.

The Useful Plants Garden

This area is currently being redeveloped as a magico-medicinal garden with the aim of displaying some of the South African plants which are used for medicinal and magical purposes by local people. These will be labelled and interpreted for Garden visitors.

Clematis brachiataBoophane disticha

Hypoxis hemerocallideaThere are a large number of indigenous plants, such as the wild clematis (Clematis brachiata), Boophane disticha, blue squill (Scilla natalensis), African potato (Hypoxis hemerocallidea) and various species of pineapple lily (Eucomis), that are used both by rural as well as by urban people for various purposes.


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