Walter Sisulu NBG
Cycad Garden and Dell
Cycad garden

The Cycad Garden is located centrally in the Botanical Garden, giving pride of place to the extensive collection of these majestic plants. Many of the South African species are held in this Garden along with interesting plants with similar growth requirements.

Encephalartos frederici guillCones can be seen on the plants at almost any time of the year. These are pollinated by hand as part of the Garden's cycad conservation programme. South Africa is home to a wide variety of cycads, many of which are in serious danger of extinction through over-exploitation.

Below the Cycad Garden, some steps go down into the shady forested dell. This area along the river has been planted up with various shade-loving plants such as bush lilies (Clivia miniata), fairy crassula (Crassula multicava) as well as some beautiful shade-loving cycads.

This area is currently being developed and, in time, will prove to be a peaceful and quiet place where one can find solitude among the trees.


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