autumn/fall winter summer spring
Summer at Walter Sisulu NBG

The Garden is at its best during late spring and summer when most of the flowering shrubs come into bloom. The Pride-of-De-Kaap (Bauhinia galpinii) with its unusual brick-red flowers makes a lovely show.

The mauve blue flowers of the wild phlox (Jamesbrittenia grandiflora) are a delight for many weeks.

Jamesbrittenia grandiflora
Arum lily

One of the highlights of summer are the scarlet river lilies (Hesperantha coccinea) which line the stream near the restaurant and produce bright red flowers in mid-summer.

Arum lilies (Zantedeschia aethiopica) are also to be found in flower.

Common sugar bushes (Protea caffra) are abundant on the north-east facing slopes of the Garden. These naturally occurring trees produce attractive heads of flowers throughout the summer months and provide a constant source of nectar to a wide variety of birds.

Cuckoos are an integral part of the Garden in summer and it seems as if there is nowhere where you can hide from their persistent calls. Listen out for the Red-chested Cuckoo, Diederik Cuckoo, Klaas's Cuckoo and the Black Cuckoo from the beginning of October.

The striking Southern Red Bishop birds start to build their nests in the bulrushes and reeds around the Sasol Dam and wetland areas and the male birds can often been seen trying to impress a future mate.

In the ponds in the wetland area, look out for the large flowers of the indigenous water lily (Nymphaea caerulea) and the smaller star-shaped yellow flowers of the small yellow water lily (Nymphoides indica).

Water garden
Summers are warm with temperatures often reaching above 30 degrees C and occasional thunder showers in the late afternoons.
Average Min/Max Temperatures (Centigrade)

Average Rainfall
(765 mm per annum)

December 115 mm
January 143 mm
February 109 mm

  Dec Jan Feb
Min 13.7 14.6 14.3
Max 29.2 29.4 28.8


For more details of plants in flower each season see the Plant of the Week pages.

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