autumn/fall winter summer spring
Autumn at Walter Sisulu NBG

This is an ideal time to visit the Garden when the tremendous variety of spurflowers (Plectranthus) burst into flower to herald the beginning of autumn. Many of these herbaceous shrubs and groundcovers make excellent garden subjects as they flower so profusely and have very attractive foliage.

Plectranthus ecklonii
Clivia gardenii
Major Garden's clivia (Clivia gardenii) start flowering in autumn near the Lion's Bridge with their unusual pendulous flowers; unlike those of the usual bush lily, Clivia miniata. This lesser known clivia comes from the east coast province of KwaZulu-Natal. The bright orange flowers of the Kalanchoe rotundifolia in the Succulent Garden also create a lovely show at this time of year.
By the end of autumn, many trees such as the white stinkwoods (Celtis africana), river bushwillow (Combretum erythrophyllum) and the lavender tree (Heteropyxis natalensis) are in full autumn colours of yellows, reds and purples.  

Average Rainfall
(765 mm per annum)

March 111 mm
April 51 mm
May 20 mm

Autumn days are mild and clear with evenings becoming cooler towards winter.

Average Min/Max Temperatures (Centigrade)

  March April May
Min 12.5 8.9 5.9
Max 27.5 24.9 22.6


For more details of plants in flower each season see the Plant of the Week pages.

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