autumn/fall winter summer spring
Winter at Walter Sisulu NBG

The Succulent Rockery is particularly beautiful during winter when most of the aloes are in full bloom. A variety of birds, including the magnificent Malachite Sunbird, feed on the nectar from these showy plants. Aloe cryptopoda has attractive bi-coloured flowers.

The pair of Verreux's Eagles (Black Eagles) that are resident in the Botanical Garden raise their young at this time of the year and you may be fortunate enough to see them with their newly hatched chick. On the rocks at the waterfall the krantz aloes (Aloe mutabilis) start to flower with their striking heads of red and yellow flowers.

Aloe crytopoda

Walk through the Garden and appreciate the architectural pale stems of the white stinkwoods (Celtis africana) and river bushwillows (Combretum erythrophyllum) which have almost an eerie skeletal appearance.

Winters on the Highveld are mild with sunny blue skies during the day. Picnic Concerts featuring a variety of performers are held in the Garden on alternate Sundays from May-September.

At the end of winter, the sagewood (Buddleja salvifolia) promises the onset of Spring and bursts into flower, filling the air with its fragrant scent.
Buddleja salvifolia
Winters are generally mild with occasional frost. The days are generally sunny and pleasant.
Average Min/Max Temperatures (Centigrade)

Average Rainfall
(765 mm per annum)

June 3 mm
July 1 mm
August 9 mm

  June July Aug
Min 2.1 1.7 4.5
Max 19.9 20.1 23.0


For more details of plants in flower each season see the Plant of the Week pages.

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