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Summer at Pretoria NBG

November to February are our summer months. The average summer temperature is a pleasant 27șC to 28șC. Days can sometimes be very warm and temperatures may reach 36șC. Rain falls in the summer months, annual amounts fluctuating from year to year. South Africa is prone to drought which may sometimes last a few years and cause devastation.


In years of good rainfall, the Garden looks superb and is green and lush and a pleasure to visit. Bauhinia galpinii (lowveld Bauhinia) lines the entrance, and is covered in masses of large, apricot-red, flowers.
Helichrysum splendidum (Cape gold) is a medium-sized shrub with attractive silver-grey foliage and masses of deep canary-yellow flowers. Huge clumps have been planted in the beds adjacent to the Traditional Uses Garden. A broad band of carpet geranium (Geranium incanum) have been planted in front and the masses of small mauve flowers contrast beautifully with the helichrysum.

Agapanthus are in full bloom in many parts of the Garden and waterlilies (Nymphaea) fill the ponds. In the reeds (Cyperus papyrus), Thick-Billed Weavers tend their nests and raise their chicks.
A stroll along the Dassie Trail is recommended. This self-guided trail wanders along the koppie and allows visitors to experience the type of vegetation natural to the area before man settled here. Dassies are frequently encountered along the trail, scurrying off with loud, high-pitched shrieks. These small creatures are about the size of a rabbit, but look just like Guinea pigs.


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