Natal NBG
Kingfisher Lake and Turraea Trail

In the heart of the Garden is Kingfisher Lake. This peaceful stretch of open water is very rich in bird life, and a family of otters have been spotted in the river that flows into it. You can sometimes find traces of otter activity on the banks of the lake.
Turraea floribundaAround the lake is the Turraea Trail, an easy walk with excellent views of the lake and several good bird watching spots. Look out for Turraea tree flowers on the walk. Their sweet fragrance fills the air on the Turraea Trail in September and October.

Just off the Turraea Trail is a grove of fever trees ( Acacia xanthophloea). Normally found further north in KwaZulu-Natal, they have remarkable yellowy green bark.

Bird watching in the garden is very good. Over 150 different species are found here. This high diversity can be attributed to the many indigenous plants in the garden - each one attracting its own particular group of birds to feed, nest or enjoy shelter.




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