Natal NBG
A large part of the Garden is covered with indigenous scrub forest. This forest type contains a mix of species from the more open thickets and thornveld areas, together with trees from the higher altitude mist-belt forests.

This makes for a very diverse forest, in which many bird species, a host of fascinating invertebrates and several mammals make their homes. Animals such as duiker (a small antelope), genet (a small cat-like carnivore) and otter, have been seen here.

Parts of the forest were eucalyptus plantation 30 years ago, and have since then been successfully rehabilitated into scrub forest.

A rare impatiens, Impatiens flanaganii, grows well in the forest section. This occurs naturally in only two localities in the Eastern Cape. The streptocarpus to be seen below and slightly to the right of the impatiens in the enlarged version of the photograph, is Stretocarpus gardenii, which is widespread on sandstone rocks in forests in the eastern parts of South Africa. Both these plants thrive next to a small pond in our forest.



A self-guided trail takes you deep into the forest through a variety of micro-habitats. Take the time to enjoy this special place.

The bird plant section is filled with indigenous plants that attract birds. These include the notsung ( Halleria lucida) with its flowers and fruits borne directly on the branches.




The colourful Tecomaria capensis is another plant with nectar filled flowers designed to attract sunbirds.

Planting to attract birds and butterflies is an excellent way to practice conservation at home.




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