Natal NBG
Historical Collections

Camellia chrysantha
The Natal National Botanical Garden is unique in that we have several valuable historical collections of exotic plants. These blend with our indigenous plantings to provide a wonderfully cosmopolitan range. Of particular interest are the collections of magnolias, camellias and azaleas. The combination of a high water table, moderate climate and slightly acidic soils, make the Garden an ideal site for growing these beautiful plants.

Looking out from under the Camphor treeThe Garden began in 1873 as a testing station to see which trees were suitable for afforesting the then colony of Natal. Many of the largest and oldest trees in the Garden date from that time.

A camphor tree, planted in 1874, is the largest and probably the oldest tree in the Garden, closely followed in beauty and presence by a stand of Australian eucalyptus dating from roughly the same era. Look out for the Moreton Bay fig, also from Australia, which occasionally has large birds of prey perching in its branches.

Plane Avenue

Planted in 1908, the magnificent avenue of London planes has delighted visitors for many years. Young (and not-so-young) children enjoy romping in the leaves, many couples choose to get married under the branches of the great trees, and older folk spend many happy hours strolling or walking their dogs down this stately avenue.



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