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Tour the Lowveld NBG
Bulbs (Monocotyledons)

This important group of plants occupies a relatively small section of the Garden but, because it is the first collection you see, and contains many striking, colourful species, it does tend to have enormous impact on the visitor entering the Garden. Agapanthus praecox with its beautiful blue flowers is popular in horticulture.

There are large beds of "liliaceous" plants and many members of the Amaryllidaceae. Palms, strelitzias and wild bananas are conspicuous larger plants in this section of the Garden.

Sunbirds feed on the nectar that overflows the large, boat-shaped spathe of Strelitzia nicolai.

Scadoxus puniceus, the magnificent blood lily, thrusts its enormous inflorescence through the dry ground at the first breath of spring.


Scadoxus multiflorus has a showy, globular head of deep pink flowers.



From left to right:
Freesia grandiflora, especially if massed,draws comment when it flowers in winter.

The flame-red of Cyrtanthus galpinii lights up the undergrowth in mid-winter. This charming fire lily grows wild in the Lowveld Garden.

The Lowveld Garden has introduced the public to other species of Clivia, like this Clivia gardenii.




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