African tropical rainforest South African Forest Dry Bushveld Bulbs Cycads Corkwoods & Cabbage Trees Baobabs Wild figs Bush willows Legumes Cascades Cafe

Tour the Lowveld NBG

Cycads are the most significant collection in the Lowveld Garden and they occupy a larger area in the Garden than any other group of plants. Although these incredible trees are scattered all over the Garden, the main concentration is in the vicinity of the guest cottage and the Cascades Café. This is probably the best collection in the entire world, of African as well as southern African species. It also ranks extremely high in species diversity with a large number of striking, mature specimens. The Lowveld National Botanical Garden established the world's very first Cycad gene bank. The Garden is thus playing a vitally important role in the conservation of cycads generally and, in particular, of all rare and endangered species.

Cones of E.friderici-guilliemi

Cone of E. ferox

Blue-grey foliage of E.lehmanni is most distinctive and contrasts nicely with the dark green leaves of other species.




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