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Tour the Lowveld NBG
Dry Bushveld

The eastern bank of the Crocodile River is exposed to the harsh afternoon sun, the hottest time of any day in the Garden. The trees are mainly deciduous and the undergrowth is somewhat sparse resembling the dry bushveld.. Numerous aloe and succulent species are to be seen here.

The wild custard apple, Annona senegalensis, which has pear-shaped fruits with reticulated markings is one of the trees found here.

Sickle bush, Dichrostachys cinerea, has delightful inflorescences that have led to one of the tree's other names, Kalahari Christmas tree.

Russet fruits of buffalo thorn, Ziziphus mucronata, are relished by birds.

Gossypium herbaceum is known as wild cotton. It bears hibiscus-like flowers and tiny seeds encased in balls of white fluff.

Colour of the flowers of the summer impala lily, Adenium swazicum, varies from soft rose-pink to a rich carmine.

The stunning, enormous flowers of Stapelia gigantea.

Bright red fruits of Euphorbia halipedicola.



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