Summer at Kirstenbosch
Plants from the summer rainfall areas reach full flowering splendour in the summer months of January to mid-March. Agapanthus steal the show. In shades of blue and white, short and tall, they are everywhere.
During these hot and dry months the shade of the Dell and Camphor Avenue is most inviting. Here, the orange heads of the bloodflowers (Scadoxus multiflorus subsp katherinae) stand out like balls of fire.
On the ground, especially in the cool, damp areas of the Dell, the small mounds of Cape primulas (Streptocarpus) with their trumpet flowers are worth a closer look.
Streptocarpus sp.
Disa uniflora
On Table Mountain the beautiful red orchid, Disa uniflora, flowers along the streams. Pollinated by the same butterfly, the bright red flowers of the succulent Crassula coccinea hang on the dry cliffs.
Average Rainfall
January 15 mm
February 50 mm

Average Temperature

Month Min. Max.
Jan. 16.4C 26.2C
Feb. 16.3C 27.1C


For more details of plants in flower each week see the Plant of the Week pages.

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