Autumn at Kirstenbosch
The March lily (Amaryllis belladonna) shoots up with no leaves, bearing huge pink fragrant flowers on long stems. This is the first sign that autumn has arrived, even though the days are still warm.
Many plants from the sage family are in flower, including orange and white wild dagga (Leonotus leonorus), pink ribbon bush (Hypoetes aristata) and mauve bush violet (Barleria obtusa).

In the shade, masses of Plectranthus flower in mauve, pink and white. This is a large group with much variation. The tall Plectranthus ecklonii grows to 2m, while Plectranthus verticillata is a flat growing, succulent groundcover.

At the main entrance to the Garden, a huge Pride of de Kaap (Bauhinia galpinii) with warm orange flowers tumbles over the wall and the bright yellow Canary creeper (Senecio tamoides) waves cheerfully from the top of the trees it has climbed.

Average Rainfall

March 32 mm
April 131 mm
May 150 mm

Average Temperature

Month Min.. Max..
March 15.2C 25.8C
April 13.1C 23C
May 10.7C 19.9C


For more details of plants in flower each week see the Plant of the Week pages.

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