Spring at Kirstenbosch
September and October are the spring months. For colour, this is the most beautiful time of year. The whole garden is magic as fields of Namaqualand annuals and spring bulbs burst into flower.
Watsonia sp.

Daisies, in all the colours of the rainbow, follow the sun with open faces. Dainty wild flax-(Heliophila coronopifolio ) dance in the breeze, their blue bells inviting all to see the bright bokbaaivygies (Dorotheanthus bellidiformis) growing at their feet.

Elegant arum lilies and tall spikes of watsonias are to be seen everywhere.

However, only patches of the smaller bulbs, like sweet smelling freesias, ixias, lachenalias and babianas, survive the ever hungry moles and porcupines.

While many of the fynbos plants are still in flower, it is the pincushions (Leucospermum) that are now most striking in bright warm oranges, yellows and reds.

The weather is still very unpredictable as the days start to warm up, but cold fronts still hit the Cape with showers and cold.

Average rainfall

September 140 mm
October 86 mm
Average temperature

Month Min. Max
Sept. 10.3C 19.1C
Oct. 12.2C 21.5C

Early Summer
For more details of plants in flower each week see the Plant of the Week pages.

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