Harold Porter NBG
Eastern Garden
Eastern garden
There are three sections to this part of the Garden. The first is the Lower Protea section. This section was cleared and replanted about two years ago and is beginning to come into its own. Few members of the protea family are very long-lived, necessitating replanting every 9 to 12 years.


Erica Section

Erica macowanniiMany of the plants you see here came up on their own after a veld fire swept through the area in 1991. The section has recently been revamped -allowing an old stream to flow again, and some new ponds have been created together with a greater variety of ecological niches. This will enable a wider choice of ericas, among them spectacular ones such as this Erica macowanii, and some of their companion plants to be established.

Arctotis semipapposaThey will be interplanted amongst the plants which are natural to the area such as this Arctotis semipapposa seen at one of the new ponds.


Protea cynaroidesUpper Protea Section

This area is at present being relandscaped because so much of the material had become senescent and overgrown. A number of showy species from different genera in the Protea family will be planted here such as the well-loved national flower, the king protea, Protea cynaroides. Less spectacular but very interesting species which are mouse pollinated such as Protea scabra will also find a space. Both lime green and red forms of Mimetes cucullatus, the common pagoda, are represented and some of them have been pruned very hard to simulate fire damage. As they are resprouters they respond very well to this drastic treatment!


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