 Study Sites



The results are divided in three different sections. Every paper can be downloaded. Please refer to the textbox to assess how large the file is and what kind of publication it is and what study sites it is referring to.

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Economic Dimension/ Modelling
Social Dimension

Note: You can download the files by clicking on download pdf file. Please be aware that some files are large and will need a long time to download.


Breebart, L
Feeding selection in three grazing systems in the Nama Karoo.


File size: 143kb
Study area(s): Nama Karoo

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Ellis, F
Report on a soil investigation on selected trial areas in the Nieuwoudtville region of the Northern Cape Province.



File size: 2,831kb
Study area(s): Bokkeveld Plateau

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Donaldson, J
Issues affecting the value of ecosystem services in agricultural systems and implications for conservation farming.
International Rangeland Conference, 2003



File size: 250kb
Study area(s):general

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Lechmere-Oertel, R
The effects of goat browsing on ecosystem patterns and processes in succulent thicket, South Africa.


File size: 2,945kb
Study area(s): Succulent Thicket

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Mills, A
The effect of land use on soil quality and carbon sequestration at Nieuwoudtville, Beaufort West, Kirkwood and Underberg.


File size: 1,413kb
Study area(s):all

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Mills, A; Fey, MV
Declining soil quality in South Africa: effects of land use on organic matter and surface crusting.


  File size: 199kb
Study area(s):all

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Mills et al
Farming for carbon credits: implications for land use decisions in South African rangelands.
International Rangeland Conference, 2003


File size: 279kb
Study area(s):all

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Mouton, Alblas
Conservation Farming Project - Reptile diversity in the Nieuwoudtville area



File size: 1,043kb
Study area(s): Bokkeveld Plateau

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Final report for the Conservation Farming project: Southern Drakensberg.



File size: 71kb
Study area(s):Drakensberg

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O'Farrell, P
Ecosystem services and benefits to farmers - Conservation Farming Project final report.



File size: 1,413kb
Study area(s):Bokkeveld Plateau, Nama Karoo
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O'Farrell, Collard
Ecosystem services: an examination of approaches to investigating ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes in South Africa and Australia.
International Rangeland Conference, 2003



File size: 302kb
Study area(s):general
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Robertson, van Noort
Effects of agricultural practices on ants and other Hymenoptera in four farming areas of South Africa. 2003



File size: 280kb
Study area(s):all

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Short, O'Connor, Hurt
Medium-term changes in grass composition and diversity of Highland Sourveld grassland in the Southern Drakensberg in response to fire and grazing management.
December 2002



File size: 173kb
Study area(s):

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Sigwela, Lechmere-Oertel, Kerling, Cowley
Quanitifying the cost of unsustainable domestic herbivory for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in succulent thicket, Eastern Cape.
International Rangeland Conference, 2003



File size: 486kb
Study area(s):Succulent Thicket

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Theron, Donaldson
Vegetation types in relation to soil and climatic variables in the central Nama Karoo.


File size: 95kb
Study area(s):Nama Karoo

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Wildly, EJ
Effect of different land use practices on invertebrate diveristy in Underberg (KwaZulu Natal, South Africa). 2003



File size: 118kb
Study area(s):Drakensberg

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Economic Dimension/ Modelling

Turpie, J
An Ecological-Economic appraisal of conservation on commercial farm land in four areas of South Africa - Final Report of the ecological-economics research component of the Conservation Farming Project.
October 2003


File size: 9,805kb
Study area(s):Bokkeveld Plateu, Drakensberg, Succulent Thicket, Nama Karoo.

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Social Dimension

Koelle, Oettle, Arendse, Thobela
Learning in partnership to conserve biodiversity - findings of the social research team of the conservation farming project.
April 2003


File size: 206kb
Study area(s):Bokkeveld Plateu, Drakensberg, Succulent Thicket, Nama Karoo.

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Koelle, B; Oettle, N
Myths, Legends and Nature - Farming as an emotional enterprise.
April 2003


File size: 161kb
Study area(s):general

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Oettle, N; Koelle, B
New directions for extension in democratic South Africa - enhancing farmers' initiatives to conserve natural resources.
April 2003


File size: 62 kb
Study area(s): general

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