 Study Sites


Publications on Conservation Farming

The project produced the following publications. Much of the research under way has yet to be concluded, so watch this space for many more publications.

Conservation Farming Book


Conservation Farming: finding the balance between productive land use and biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes
Donaldson, Turpie, Oettle

This book summarises and sythesises the findings of the Conservation Farming Project and is aimed at farmers, policy makers and the general public as well as students and researchers.



currently in preparation

Nieuwoudtville Map


Nieuwoudtville - A Biodiversity Hotspot

The Nieuwoudtville map gives detailed information about the biodiversity of the area.

A comprehensive guide to Nieuwoudtville's natural and cultural resources.

The text of the map is available in Afrikaans and English for download.


Published: May 2004

by the National Botanical Institute
Available for sale at the NBI
(email )
or at the Nieuwoudtville Municipality.

Price:R 15

download text in Afrikaans

download text in English



The Conservation Farming Project produced several factsheets that explain some important underlying concepts.

These factsheets are aimed at farmers and the general public.

You can view them by clicking on the links below.

- What is Conservation Farming?

- Afrikaans version (PDF)

- What is Carbon Sequestration?
- Afrikaans version (PDF)

- What are Ecosystem Services?
- Afrikaans version (PDF)



Published: April 2000
by the National Botanical Institute




A Land for all seasons - a study of conservation farming and its benefits for nature conservation and sustainable agriculture.

Brochure providing overview


Published: April 2000
by the National Botanical Institute


Renosterveld: Hidden Jewels of the Cape

Information about Renosterveld in the Cape


Published: April 2000
by the National Botanical Society


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