Annual Review

Chairman's Report
HR & Finance



Human Resource and Financial Services


Staff members retiring from Pretoria NBG

The NBI strongly supports the implementation of the SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) and Skills Development Acts by providing access to and progression within education, training and career paths.
The existing policy was adapted to ensure that the principles of the NQF would be strongly represented in the NBI's Education, Training and Development efforts. The NBI has registered with the Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Education and Training Authority (THETA). Negotiations for a horticultural skills programme began in 2000 and will be run at all gardens.

The ABET pilot programme came to an end with the IEB (Independent Examination Board) examinations in June 2000. In an effort to improve the foundations for human development, the implementation of an ABET programme at all the gardens is being envisaged. Occupational Health and Safety training was conducted at all Gardens and herbaria. Inspectors from the Department of Labour assisted with an Occupational Health and Safety audit which was conducted at all Gardens and herbaria. HIV/AIDS peer educators were identified at all the Gardens and herbaria and these peer educators will be key role players in HIV/AIDS education in the NBI in the near future. An HIV/AIDS policy, outlining the NBI's HIV/AIDS programme as well as clarifying roles and responsibilities, was developed.


The NBI has been listed as a Public Entity in terms of the Public Finance Management Act and as from 1 April 2001 will have to comply with the Act and regulations proclaimed in terms of the Act. The preparation is well in hand. Apart from this there were no significant changes to either staff or procedures during the year under review. The project accounting system mentioned in the previous review has been implemented so that there are automatic monthly detailed reports on the income and expenditure of each project.

Garden entrance fees again rose significantly (22.8% increase on the previous year) to R7.3-million while the Grant from the Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism increased by 4% to again provide 66% of all revenue. Income attributable to Project income fund at R16.3-million showed a very small increase on prior year (0.1%). On the expenditure side personnel costs remain at a healthy 60% of total costs (prior year 63%). The balance of expenditure was split almost equally between operating expenses and project expenses. As a result of strict controls net operating surplus excluding depreciation was R952 879, a healthy improvement on a deficit in the previous year.

We are very pleased to learn that the Department has confirmed its intention and hopes to make certain fairly substantial capital grants to visitor facilities in the northern Gardens in order to assist NBI to become less dependent on annual grants.

The Retirement Fund had a reasonable year in so far as investment returns were concerned; declaring a dividend of 18.5% on employee credit balances for the year ended 31 March 2000.


Income and Expenditure for year ending 31 March 2001

Balance sheet as at 31 March 2001

Grants & Donations

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