autumn/fall winter summer spring
Spring at Witwatersrand NBG
Spring (September-November) on the Highveld is one of the most striking seasons with the Garden coming to life again after a cold and dry winter. The magnificent common coral trees (Erythrina lysistemon) are massed with red tubular flowers which attract numerous nectar-feeding birds. Wild pears (Dombeya rotundifolia) also make an excellent show with masses of small white flowers covering the trees before the leaves appear.
In early spring, the white stinkwoods (Celtis africana) and river bushwillows (Combretum erythrophyllum) which adorn the garden are flushed with new leaves. These trees, which have been bare for months, are quickly transformed by the bright green leaves that now appear. Simultaneously, the common hook-thorns (Acacia caffra) are massed with creamy flowers which have a pleasant fragrance that fills the Garden.

The return of the migrant swallows and cuckoos signifies the onset of spring in the Garden. Together with a host of other bird species, they start to build their nests and prepare for the summer breeding season.

One of the best known spring-flowering plants is the bush lily (Clivia miniata). These attractive shade-loving plants produce large heads of striking orange flowers. Although they are well known all over the world, they occur naturally only in South Africa

In spring, the local wild flowers which start to emerge are always a reliable source of intrigue. A walk through the natural areas of the Garden in October and November is a real treat as numerous wild flowers come out in full bloom. The snake lily (Scadoxus puniceus) is one of the most striking of these with its magnificent head of red flowers.

ge Rainfall
(765 mm per annum)

September 11 mm
October 84 mm
November 108 mm

Spring days are generally warm and clear with the first rains falling towards the end of the season.

Average Min/Max Temperatures (Centigrade)

  Sept Oct Nov
Min 8.6 11.1 12.4
Max 27.8 27.9 27.8



For more details of plants in flower each season see the Plant of the Week pages.

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