Chapungu Stone Sculpture Exhibibition at Kirstenbosch

Dreams and Aspirations


Bernard Matemera


The sound of my home is familiar to me. I know each knoll of grass and each child's voice. My faith is strong because I believe in all I cannot see.


Mudzima (Spirit)
Amos Supuni


Our world is made up of the seen and the unnseen. The spirit of others, people we know or knew and the spirit of faith, influences our own spirits.



Walter Mariga

Opal Stone

To each, his own gift; yet working together in harmony we stand firm in the face of adversity.

Body and Soul
Joseph Muzondo


No matter how beautiful our bodies, they are nothing without our soul.


The Provider
Sylvester Mubayi


In his youth I have provided for him. Now I am weak with age and he supports me.

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