Walter Sisulu NBG
Semi- Wild Areas
Sasol Dam

The portion of the Garden on the western side of the river is maintained in a semi-natural state.


The plants around the Sasol dam and in the wetland area behind the bird hide include a number of species of sedges (Cyperaceae), restios (Restionaceae) and grasses (Poaceae)

In the wetland area a number of Orange River lilies (Crinum bulbispermum) make a spectacular show in spring. Behind the dams in the wetland and along the river, there are a number of ouhout (Leucosidea sericea) trees with their unusual flaking bark which is often covered with colourful lichens.


The area above the Sasol Dam is maintained as grassland and is planted up with wild flowers from the Witwatersrand area. The aim of this area is to provide a forum to display the diverse and interesting flora that we have on our own front door.

Explore here in late spring and early summer when the wild flowers make a lovely show.

Crinum Trichodesma


(In Progress) This exciting new development of a Bushveld Section will display the typical species found in the bushveld region of South Africa. The area is maintained in a semi-wild state with a number of interlinked pathways meandering through the bush. Tree species to be planted in this area include the well known acacias, bushwillows (Combretum), and tamboti (Spirostachys africana), together with many other plants such as the many aloes and bulbous plants that typify the bushveld areas of our country.

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