

First draft March 2000: revision due to be completed mid-2000

The Literature Review is a fairly technical account of the land degradation problem in South Africa. To make it more easily accessible to a non-technical audience a more popular version of the technical report has been written: Investigating Land Degradation in South Africa. The key issues relevant to the debate are provided, together with several of the most important maps showing the extent of land degradation in South Africa. The target audience is broad and includes teachers, students, scholars, farmers, agricultural extension workers, resource conservation technicians, NGO and CBO staff, policy makers and the interested lay public.

The book is being published by UCT Press. A sample chapter of the popular version is provided and the book will be on sale from August 2000. Orders and enquiries from southern Africa should be addressed to:

Customer Services Division, Juta & Co, PO Box 14373, Kenwyn, 7790, South Africa. Tel: Fax: E-mail:

Orders and enquiries from the United Kingdom, Europe, the United States and Canada should be addressed in the first instance to the distributor and stockholder of UCT Press: African Book Centre, 38 King Street, London, WC2E 8JT, United Kingdom. Tel: +44-(0)171-240-6649. Fax: +44-(0)171-497-0309. E-mail:

An example of the style, layout and content of Investigating Land Degradation in South Africa is provided by Chapter 4.

Download Chapter 4 (zipped Word 97 format)

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