

South Africa has a rich literature on desertification with more than 2,000 articles in the popular and scientific literature having been written on one or more aspects of the problem. This South African literature has been synthesised within an easily-accessible data base using the software programme Reference Manager" and is available to download in both Reference Manager or Plain Text.

Key words have been included to serve as guide lines to the kinds of issues and subjects dealt with in this project. If these topics interest you then the database can be downloaded and the articles of interest retreived.

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top  Key Words

  • agricultural development
  • agricultural extension
  • agricultural production
  • agroforestry
  • aid
  • animal physiology
  • alien plants
  • archeology
  • betterment planning
  • bibliography
  • biodiversity
  • Bophuthatswana
  • botanical survey
  • Botswana
  • bush encroachment
  • carrying capacity
  • Ciskei
  • climate
  • climate change
  • communal area
  • conservation
  • cultivation
  • deforestation
  • desiccation
  • desertification assessment
  • desertification control
  • directory
  • disaster mitigation
  • drought
  • ethnobotany
  • Eastern Cape
  • energy
  • economic aspects
  • environmental history
  • environmental policy
  • erosion control
  • farming systems
  • fauna
  • fire
  • floods
  • forecasting
  • plant physiology
  • poisonous plants
  • policy
  • political aspects
  • pollution
  • population
  • forest
  • forestry
  • Free State
  • fynbos
  • Gauteng
  • gender aspects
  • geomorphology
  • government initiatives
  • global change
  • grassland
  • grazing effects
  • hydrology
  • hydrometeorology
  • institutional aspects
  • international aspects
  • irrigation
  • karoo desertification
  • KwaZulu
  • KwaZulu Natal
  • land degradation
  • land reform
  • land tenure
  • land use
  • legislation
  • lesotho
  • livestock production
  • maps
  • methodologies
  • microclimate
  • micromammals
  • models
  • monitoring
  • Mpumalanga
  • nature reserves
  • Namibia
  • nama karoo
  • Northern Cape
  • Northern Province
  • off-road vehicle impacts
  • no-tillage cultivation
  • palaeo environments
  • plant-animal interactions
  • poverty
  • production potential
  • rainfall
  • rainfall erosivity
  • remote sensing renosterveld
  • restoration
  • runoff
  • rural development
  • salinization
  • satellite imagery
  • savanna
  • sedimentation
  • settlement impacts
  • socioeconomic aspects
  • soil erosion
  • soil conservation soil nutrients
  • soil properties
  • southern Africa
  • statistics
  • stocking rate
  • subsidies succulent karoo
  • sustainable agriculture
  • sustainable development
  • Transkei
  • UN Convention
  • vegetation change
  • vegetation dynamics
  • veld condition
  • veld management
  • Venda
  • water conservation
  • water quality
  • Western Cape
  • wetlands
  • wind erosion
  • Zimbabwe
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