Useful Plants Garden at Kirstenbosch

The plan and design of the Garden

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Three main entrance/ exit points that facilitate easy access from the two main paths leading past the garden. All the new paths are paved with sandstone cobble and dressed stone to create a sense of unity with the rest of Kirstenbosch.

The beds are informal. The division of beds facilitate easy learning and interpretation of the various plant use groups. Twenty sections are defined according to plant usage.

The amount of sunshine, shade, wind, ground water and existing mature large plants on the site influenced the location of each plant section. For example the stream influenced the location of the craft and construction plant beds, as most of these plants are water loving.

Design principles

The design reflects a natural order with its organic shapes that also continues the Kirstenbosch theme. The repetition of similar shapes adds flow and symmetrical balance to the design. New path sizes are equal and uniform creating harmonious flow. The shapes and size of the beds are proportional to each other and create a sense of rhythm and progression in the garden.

Labelling and intrepretation

Labeling and interpretation are an intrinsic part of this educational garden's success. Dividing the garden into plant-use sections allows a coherent and cohesive interpretation system. There is a map showing al plant-use sections of the garden at the main entrance. All individual plants in the garden will have labels with interesting and thought provoking information. (See a sample plant label below.) A standard warning sign also indicates safety guidelines.

Useful Plants Garden
at Kirstenbosch

Rowland & Leta Hill Trust

Botanical Society


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