Coastal Fynbos and Strandveld
In the southern part of the conservatory, a small rectangular portion was set aside to exhibit Coastal Fynbos & Strandveld vegetation of Cape Town and adjacent regions (Western Cape). This vegetation is threatened by urbanization. The climate is windy, with rain during winter and long, dry summers. Fynbos vegetation consists of various plants adapted to dry summers. This is a type of shrubland vegetation with many plants 1-2 m tall. Some plants bear small leaves hence the Afrikaans vernacular name fynbos ('fyn'= fine and 'bos'= bush). strandveld & renosterveld vegetation fall under the umbrella of fynbos.

Many of the plants are endemic and unique to the south-western Cape, which is classed as one of the world's 8 floristic regions. This vegetation is subject to occasional fire and the plants are well adapted to this phenomenon. Without the occasional 'fire pruning' the vegetation deteriorates. In cultivation this cycle can be simulated by pruning and also smoke treating the seeds, a process that enhances their germination. Soil in this area is sandy, acid and mineral deprived.

Some of the prominent plant families include the Cape Reeds or Restios (Restionaceae), Protea family (Proteaceae), Erica family (Ericaceae), Iridaceae, Rutaceae, Retziaceae, Polygalaceae and Mesembryanthemaceae. Typical plants in this section of the conservatory include: Saphesia flaccida, Aloe distans, Erica verticillata, E. haematocodon, E. intonsa and Euphorbia marlothiana, Chondropetalum tectorum, Cotyledon orbiculata, Salvia lanceolata, Helichrysum retortum, Tetragonia fruticosa, waxberry (Myrica cordifolia or Morella cordifolia), kinkelbos (T. decumbens, T. fruticosa), Geranium incanum, Solanum quadrangulare ( or S.americanum), Pelargonium capitatum, P. cucculatum, and Kedrostis nana, Euphorbia burmannii.
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