autumn/fall winter summer spring
Winter at the Karoo Desert NBG
Winters are usually accompanied by generally strong winds, the north-wester, and intermittent rain. The days are short, with midwinter sunrise at about 07:30 and sunset at about 17:30. The typical winter day starts with a low of 2C at sunrise, rising to 15C or 17C during the day. The occasional berg wind (mountain wind) raises temperatures to 30C!

Some years the Brandwacht mountain (1750m) behind the garden gets covered in snow. This mountain is part of the Hex River mountain system. A substantial snow-fall may last as long as 3 weeks. During some winters, the mountains surrounding the gardens are entirely covered in snow - a touch of Switzerland at the Cape!
During sunny days, most of the aloes are in flower. They attract hundreds of nectar seeking birds, such as, the Lesser Double Collared Sunbird and the larger, Malachite Sunbird.
Now that the Garden has discarded its mantle of summer dullness, the vegetation takes on an inviting, invigorating appearance. Little flowers begin appearing on the lawns in the veld and some shrubs start to flower.


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