Tour the Karoo Desert NBG
Entrance and Parking Area
The impressive entrance to the Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden is crafted out of local Malmesbury shale. The rock work, visible to the left and right as you enter the Garden, was done by the Garden's staff. This area is a blaze of colour in spring with the cheerful orange hues of various Namaqualand daisies beckoning visitors to the main gate.
Other colourful spring time plants include the mesembryanthemums, otherwise known as mesembs or vygies. When massed together, their bright metallic coloured flowers give an impressive display.

The lower parking area can accommodate as many as 35 vehicles and 2 coaches. In this area one will find the graceful tree aloes, Aloe barberae. They are the tallest of the tree aloes found anywhere in the world. These aloes, also known as Baines aloe, can grow as tall as 20 metres under ideal conditions.



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