autumn/fall winter summer spring
Winter at Free State NBG
This is a beautiful season, marked by vivid reds and oranges of the aloes standing out against the pale gold background of faded dry grass.






On very cold winter nights the temperatures may drop to -5°. Winter mornings are chilly, but the days soon warm up to an average temperature of 18°. The Garden does not get snow, but may often have frost.

At this time many of the trees are in fruit e.g. buffalo thorn (Ziziphus mucronata) as well as the parasite Viscum rotudifolium, are both dripping with bunches of bright orange fruits which attract plenty of birds.




Towards the end of winter sage wood (Buddleja salvifolia) becomes smothered with large trusses of small flowers which are lilac in colour. The flowers fills the air with a delicious scent of honey which attracts bees from far and wide.


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