autumn/fall winter summer spring
Summer at Free State NBG
Summer is no doubt one of the most colourful seasons. In early summer, plants such as the pineapple plant (Eucomis autumnalis), spotted-leaved Arum (Zantedeschia albomaculata) with its amazing pure white flowers and many more are in bloom.




In years of good rainfall, the Garden looks superb and is green, lush and a pleasure to visit. The striking large scarlet flowers of the plough breaker (Erythrina zeyheri) are a delight to the visitor's eye.

During late summer months, the most conspicuous flowering species are brunsvigias, boophones and nerines with their reddish pink blooms. These plants are all bulbs from the Amaryllidaceae family.




Wild Bush Petunia (Barleria greenii), a lovely garden plant with sweetly scented buds at night, is in full flower in many parts of the Garden.

A stroll through our natural grassland is highly recommended. A self guided trail exposes the visitor to the amazing Free State grasslands, which are intriguing and expansively beautiful.

Summers (November - February) are warm with temperatures often reaching above 30°c with occasional thundershowers in the late afternoons.


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