Conservation Farming Project
Important Dates

Date Conferences, Workshops, Meetings
19 Jan - 26 Jan 2003 Thicket Modeling Workshop Venue: Zuurberg Inn
2 Feb-9 Feb 2003 Nama Karoo Modeling WorkshopVenue: Karoo National Park
16 Feb-22 Feb 2003 Bok. Plateau Modeling wrokshop Venue: Rooidakhuis Nieuwoudtville
Date Events
1 Oct 2002 Progress reports: Southern Waters, Stellenbosch University, Iziko Museums, TERU, Indigo, and Tim O'Connor and Associates.
Oct-Nov 2002 Economic modeling workshops.
Start Nov 2002 Fifth progress report to the World Bank.
15 Dec 2002 Progress reports: Patrick O'Farrell and Simon Todd.
31 Dec 2002 Final reports: Stellenbosch University, Iziko Museums, TERU, Indigo, and Tim O'Connor and Associates.
15 Mar 2003 Final reports: Southern Waters, Patrick O'Farrell and Simon Todd.
31 Mar 2003 Conservation Farming Project completion.
Apr 2003 Final report to the World Bank.
Jun 2003 Audited financial statement to the World Bank
Mazda Wildlife Fund


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