M.Sc. Bursaries at NBI

*Ethnobotany * Systematics * Ecology & Conservation * Biology*


The National Botanical Institute is implementing a programme to promote the development of botanical research capacity at the MSc level. The programme is open only to students from previously disadvantaged groups, who already have obtained an Honours degree in Botany or are in the process of completing Honours.

Examples of available projects

Taxonomic studies of selected genera in the Asteraceae 1 or 2 projects
National Herbarium, Pretoria
Ethnobotanical studies of selected monocots 1 project
Natal Herbarium, Durban
Conservation in farm landscapes (spatial aspects and ecological processes). 1 project
Kirstenbosch, Cape Town
Plant dispersal spectra in SA plant groups and regions 1 project
Kirstenbosch, Cape Town
Sustainable utilization of plant populations (cycads, Harpagophytum, CITES non-detriment studies) 1 project
Kirstenbosch, Cape Town
Classification of selected life history characteristics for the arid regions of SA 1 project
Kirstenbosch, Cape Town
Environmental indicator values of plant taxa for regions of SA 1 project
Kirstenbosch, Cape Town
Survey of the vegetation of key areas of the fynbos biome 1 project 1 project
Kirstenbosch, Cape Town
Grazing and competition effects on grassland composition 1 project
Kirstenbosch, Cape Town

All projects will be carried out at the research facilities of the NBI.
Students will decide jointly with the NBI and the university, at which university they will register.
Successful applicants will receive a grant of R27 000 plus university tuition fees, per annum, over a two year period. Where possible the NBI will provide subsidised accommodation on the premises too.

To apply send written applications and CV’s with the names of at least two referees to:

Dr MM Wolfson, NBI, Private Bag X101, Pretoria 0001 Tel:012 804 3200 or Fax:012 804 5343 E-mail:

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